hey zoe!
A puppetesque metamorphosis | 2007
Zoe the near-sighted, clumsy caterpillar is fascinated by the beautiful colors that flit above her head. She has no idea that the colors she sees are butterflies and that, one day, she too will be one. So, she spends her days sighing. Zoe cannot begin to guess that it is these very sighs that will create the music that changes everything…
Written as a coming-of-age story, Hey Zoe! depicts the impatient desire of wanting to grow up. The plot, puppet design and music all came out of the company’s work in daycare centers and pre-schools. The audience can see the actors as they manipulate the large, colorful puppets that are made out of foam rubber.
By way of a large round hole cut in the curtain at the front of the stage, the audience watches the show as through a lens, just as Zoe sees her surroundings; each can only see a small part of the vast world. This view epitomizes Zoe’s earth-bound life as a caterpillar, a life in which she feels imprisoned. Only the butterflies, ethereal and free, can come and go as they please. However, this same small view will also become the stage of her transformation, her puppet metamorphosis…

Script and music
Cyrille Louge
Puppet design
Francesca Testi
Directed and acted by
Francesca Testi & Cyrille Louge
Light design
Bastien Gérard
With the voice of
Cédrick Lanoë
35 minutes
Warm thanks to
Cédrick Lanoë, Ghislaine Laglantine,
Denis Louge & Thierry Bigot
not on tour anymore